Recent Items
Your recently used or created items are shown here.
Click to Copy Symbols
Click to Copy Emoji
Instructions for use
- Click or tap on a symbol/emoji, it will be copied to your device's clipboard and inserted into the text box on the top.
- You can save all or part of content in the text box as a combo by using the combo-creation button below the text box.
- Recent Items collect your recently used symbols, emoji and combos, and they are stored temporarily in your current browser.
- You can create a board to permanently save Recent Items for your future use under Settings in the menu.
Create Board
Create a board to save all recent items and access them later through a custom link. Show recent items
Set a password for board
Enable keyboard shortcuts
Your link is ready
Text Box Settings
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Text rows:
Extra buttons:
Reset data
This action will erase all data and restore all default settings of Typeboard.